There’s one classic interview question that I’ve posed to many a marketing job candidate during my 30-year career in software. The request is straightforward, albeit mercantile: “Sell me a pencil.” It’s reminiscent of the line, “Sell me this pen,” which was posed in a sales training course with mixed results by Leonardo DiCaprio in the …
Category Archives: Worklife
Seven Steps to the Right Job
Are you in the right job? A 2013 Gallup poll found that only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. The 2018 Gallup survey figure is better for 2018 American worker engagement – 34% – but still disconcertingly low.
Was it a Good Day at Work?
At the end of each workday, ask yourself whether it was a good day. You owe it to yourself and your career to reflect for a couple of minutes. Don’t wait for a yearly review; make it a daily habit. The more often you consider your day, the more you’ll understand your strengths and interests. …
Eleven Steps to Great Product Messaging
Know your product Great messaging starts with a thorough understanding of your product. Everything in your messaging should align with your product and feel derivative. Imagine messaging embedded in your product or service. It should have the same tone, voice and personality. The words, graphics, and media elements should be virtual substitutes for the product. …